Friday 10 July 2015

How to Wash Your Wooden and Clear Crafting Stamps

Happy Friday to everyone!

I’m just going to jump right into things. Ok, so I was looking through our crafting drawers and doing a bit of clean up and I came to our stamps and they looked so sad. You can tell that they have gone through lots of fun times stamping that’s for sure because they have lots of ink residue left over on them and they just look so worn, not like the clear beautiful brand new looking stamps that they once were. I’ve decided to give our stamps a little TLC and give them all baths, well at least the really dirty looking ones. I want to do this the right way and not have any stamps fall apart so I did a little investigating online...

I did a little research about dirty stamps and how to clean them and you’re gonna be fascinated with what I found out, I kinda was excited and learned new stuff. 

Dirty stamp facts:

         - A dirty stamp that is clogged with ink can make your stamped images look unclear or make them look like something completely different. 

          - Stamps like everything get dusty and need to be cleaned or dusted because of this.

         -There’s a difference between a stamp that is stained and a stamp that is dirty. If you have a stained stamp, don’t scrub it because that can cause surface damage.

How to clean your stamps

I’ve seen various ways to clean stamps so here are some cool tips and ways to clean up those dirty stamps of yours. 

       Don’t soak wooden stamps! Apparently this loosens them and that would be a sad way for one of your favourite stamps to meet its end. 

       - Don’t use alcohol to clean stamps because this will crack the rubber part of the stamp. 

         Here’s something I think I’ll try, tap your stamp on a tissue or paper towel after you use it to get rid of excess ink before you wash it. 

         - Steer clear of cleaning your stamps with anything that has bleach, acetone, or oil.

         - Remember to clean your stamping blocks as well. If they get too much build up on them, that can get on the paper and cause a smudgy looking mess.

Methods to clean stamps:

         - Use a special stamp cleaner made to clean rubber stamps. Here are a few that I’ve read about that I’d try. 

Two Sided Stamp Cleaner by Hot Off the Press INC
Memories Spritz Stamp Cleaner

Recollections Stamp Cleaner
Ranger Inkssentials Rub-It Scrub-It Rubber Stamp Cleaning Pad, 6-Inch Square

         - You can use alcohol free baby wipes to wipe away the ink. This is good if you have to clean your stamps quickly and you don’t want to wait for them to dry.

        -  Soap and water is good if you want to take time and give your stamps a good bath. Just make sure that you don’t submerge the stamps. You can use an old tooth brush to get into any hard to get places.

       -  Rub your stamps over the surface of a damp sponge.

    - Make your own homemade stamp cleaning pad. Here’s a link to a website with a cool DIY Ink Stamp Cleaning Pad.

Hope this stamp cleaning info has helped you all out. I’m going to go clean all of our stamps now. 

Happy weekend!

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