Friday 13 March 2015

St.Patrick's Day Green Dessert

St. Patrick’s Day is coming up next week, and whether you celebrate or not, it’s always fun to get festive and “go green” for the day. I know some Irish people who go all out and celebrate the holiday all day long, but for me, I simply like to wear something green and make a green dessert and possibly watch an Irish themed movie. 

In honour of St. Patrick’s Day we are going to share a green dessert recipe with you. Below I have provided my homemade Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream recipe which I enjoy making and eating; it’s one of Nicole’s favourite ice cream flavours that I make. 

So...Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Recipe
You will need: 

Ice Cream Maker

This is the one I have and I love using it!

A bunch of fresh mint

Fresh is best. It may not make it as green as mint extract but I prefer the natural mint flavour and colour.

 1 ½ cups of whole milk

Homogenized is the same as Whole Milk

3 cups of heavy cream

I use Whipping Cream instead of heavy milk since it's harder to find in Canada
1 cup of sugar

1 ½ cups of chocolate

I melt down chocolate chips but blocks of chocolate work too

How to:

Whisk the whole milk and sugar together and then add 2 cups of the heavy cream and stir. Refrigerate.

In a heavy sauce pan, mix the washed mint leaves (remove the leaves off the stems) and the remaining cup of heavy cream. Heat until steaming. Let it stand for 30 minutes. After the 30 minutes, heat again and let it stand for 15 minutes more (we want as much flavour as possible!) Strain the leaves out of the mix and add to the refrigerated mixture. Put it back into the refrigerator overnight. 

Melt the chocolate and spread in an even thin layer over a piece of parchment paper on a cookie sheet. Freeze until completely hardened. Once hardened break into tiny chunks.

The next day, pour your ice cream mixture into your ice cream machine and let it mix for 40 minutes or until thickened. When it looks close to being done, remember to add in your chocolate bits. 

Enjoy your green dessert!

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