Wednesday 30 April 2014

Getting Ready for Mother's Day Part 1

“A mother is a person who, seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie.” – Tenneva Jordan

Happy May! I cannot believe that it is May already, where did April go? 

Anyways, May means Mother’s Day. For the next two weeks we are going to dedicate our blog posts to getting ready for Mother’s Day and all things mom. 

This week I thought it would be neat to look at some potential gifts for mom both bought and homemade as well as sharing with you some of our brand new Mother’s Day cards that we have created. 

My mom and I just came back from a mother-daughter weekend; that’s how we celebrated Mother’s Day early. We went to a fancy hotel, had a nice dinner, and had a blast at a boy band concert; yes I did say boy band concert, my mom and I love the boy bands! I’ve always found it more fun do nice things for and/or with your mom on Mother’s Day. Gifts are nice, but I think that moms enjoy doing things with their children or having their children do nice things for them; it’s more memorable. Going out for a nice dinner/meal or to a show of some sort is always a hit idea. Giving mom a day to herself is always a good thing as well. Pamper your mom by sending her to the spa. All moms are different, but I think finding a unique activity specific to your mom would be sure to please her for Mother’s Day this year. 

If you want to go the gift route, we have found some really nice gifts on Etsy that we thought would be nice to give to mom this year. 

We also have some pictures of our newly made Mother’s Day cards. Maybe they’ll inspire you to create a card for your mom this year!


Cards for Mom

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Outdoor Allergies

“Nothing works stronger than Claritin” – From Claritin Advertisement

First of all I have provided the answers to the Name that Bunny Rabbit Easter game that we posted up last week. You can check and see how many you got right. 

1. Buster (from Arthur)
2. Bugs Bunny
3. Peter Rabbit
4. Rabbit (from Winnie-the-Pooh)
5. Thumper (from Bambi)
6. Max and Ruby

This week our blog theme is allergies. You can tell that spring has really arrived because everybody is sneezing, groggy, stuffy, itchy, etc. I don’t usually get springtime allergies very bad, but this year it has hit me more so than usual. I have been sneezing constantly, have itchy eyes, and feel blah in general. My poor little brother gets outdoor allergies so bad that he is miserable until fall comes around. It’s almost like having a cold for months minus the chilled feverish feeling. It’s sad because it is so nice outside and you want to be outside but if you do you’ll pay for it. 

Here I have a few allergy medicines that we have tried in our house hold to combat outdoor allergies. I prefer Benadryl although it can make you quite drowsy, but it works fast for me. My brother however, prefers Reactine, but I guess it’s sort of a personal preference thing and what helps you the most with the type and intensity of allergies that you have. 


Allergy Medicines


