Friday 7 March 2014

Oscar Fashions 2014

“And the Oscar goes too...”

I'm back! Nicole took over the blog writing duties for the past few weeks, thank you to her. She had some very interesting posts about the Olympics which were informative and fun; she did an awesome job.  

This past Sunday the Academy Awards took place. Being the movie lover that I am, I watched the ceremony and had snacks and had lots of fun guessing who would win and admiring the fashions. I thought Ellen was a very funny host and that celebrity selfie she took was definitely a highlight for me as was seeing 12 Years A Slave win for best picture. When I was watching and admiring the gowns and suits, I thought about our cards and how we have cards that remind me of many of the fashions that I was seeing. So this week for the blog I am picking my top five favourite Oscar outfits and matching them up with some of our cards. I thought that this would be fun so enjoy!


5. Anne Hathaway – This silver and black dress has just the right amount of sparkle!

4. Viola Davis – Nicole would love this dress! It’s her favourite colour...teal.

3. Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto – I thought the men stood out and looked very handsome in their black and white suits; it was a nice change from the traditional tuxes.

2. Kate Hudson – I loved this pearly white dress so much. I wish I could wear it; it was my absolute favourite. We just made a card that matches up perfectly with this dress. It’s a new design that’s so simple and elegant, love it!

1. Lupita Nyong’o – This powder blue dress was the most memorable. It was so pretty and timeless; I loved it too. I know I said the Kate Hudson dress was my absolute favourite, but I have to say that this one is tied for first.


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