Thursday 27 March 2014


“No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow.” – Proverb

This week was the first day of Spring...finally! It has seemed like such a long cold winter. I’m ready for bright sunny days and warmer weather. I have noticed the days growing longer; it’s light out until at least 7:30pm now. There’s also pretty blooms that come out at Springtime that we get to admire.

With nicer weather and longer days comes fun! Nicole and I can start our nighttime wind down walks once again. I definitely look forward to those because they were a fun way to end the day and to stay fit.

I look forward to being more cheery. When it is brighter and warmer I tend to be happier and less stressed. I do enjoy the winter but the darkness really gets to me after a while. I love winter clothes, but I like the fact that you can wear less layers in the Spring. I also look forward to having more outdoor “playdates” with my friend and her little girl. Going to the petting zoo and seeing baby animals will be a blast.

I know Nicole is excited to be playing baseball again this Spring. She belongs to a church league and has been talking about playing since the end of last season. Nicole also likes to go for long walks especially by the beach with her dog Niki so she’ll get more chances to do that now that Spring is here as well. 

Happy Spring everybody!


Thursday 20 March 2014

All Things Green

“Green is the prime color of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises.” – Pedro Calderon de la Barca

Monday was St. Patrick’s Day. Whether you are Irish or not, it’s always fun to get into the spirit of the day and celebrate with green things. When I was little I remember that my elementary school classes always had parties and we would have all things green. I would make green Jello and we would have green drinks and kids would bring in green baked goods. 

I thought it would be fun to fill this blog with all things green this week. I have included some of our cards as well as some other fun green things!


Our Cards

Yummy Green Things